Saturday, February 19, 2011

virtual birthday

A big welcome to my virtual birthday party.

Imagine we are all standing together in a circle. I am in the middle with the birthday cake and burning candles.

I close my eyes, make a wish. And you all starting singing....

Happy birthday to Dwi,
Happy birthday to Dwi,
Happy birthday dear Dwi......
Happy birthday to Dwi!!!

Dwi is twenty,
Dwi is twenty,
Dwi is twenty.......
She's young and sexy!!!

*pfiuuiiihhhh..!! I take a deep breath and make have a big grin from ear to ear and try to ignore the comments of my virtual guest*

A big thank you to everyone for singing the beautiful song to me.

YOU .... yes YOU! ........ You really made my birthday special.

I wish you will have a great and special day too!!


The young, sexy and over confidence birthday lady

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAAAYYYYY, DWIIIII!!!!! Wishing you many happy returns!!! :):):):)