Some children don’t answer when you talk to them.
Some children don’t talk at all, even though they are big and at school.
Some children talk only about dinosaurs or space.
Some children flap their hands or twirl around.
Some children play with string or other funny things.
Some children don’t go away even when you ask them to.
Some children walk round and round the playground all by themselves.
These children may have an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
An Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) occurs when a baby’s brain develops a little differently before of just after they are born. The brain processes or interprets information differently.
People who have an ASD have difficulty communicating and learning how to be friends with other people. They often want things to be the same and may need to do things in exactly the same way every time.
People who have an ASD also sense things differently from many other people. Loud noises, like the school bell, can hurt their ears and they may not like the way certain things feel. They may like to stare at leaves moving in the trees but hate the swirling lights at the school disco. They may only want to eat exactly the same things or they may not like the way some food smells. People who have an ASD are different from each other just like us, we are different each other too.
diambil dari :
...... dan Leonz, si anak ganteng saya adalah salah satu penyandang ASD. Walaupun dia berbeda dengan anak anak normal pada umumnya namun kita mencintai dia apa adanya, sepenuh hati. Nggak ada salahnya terlahir sebagai "orang yang berbeda dari kebanyakan" karena toh setiap individu adalah unik.
People who have an ASD also sense things differently from many other people. Loud noises, like the school bell, can hurt their ears and they may not like the way certain things feel. They may like to stare at leaves moving in the trees but hate the swirling lights at the school disco. They may only want to eat exactly the same things or they may not like the way some food smells. People who have an ASD are different from each other just like us, we are different each other too.
Some people who have an ASD can talk, but they usually expect you to say exactly what you mean, if you say “Jump to it!” when you mean “Hurry up,” the child who has an ASD will probably start jumping.
Other people, who have an Autism Spectrum Disorder, use pictures or photographs to communicate with other people.
Some people who have an ASD can do their school work quickly, while other people find it difficult to learn to read and write. Some people who have an ASD want to be alone while others want to have friends, but don’t know how to make them.
There are different types of Autism Spectrum Disorder, which have different names; these include Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome.
An ASD is something that people have all their lives. However, as they grow they learn more and more about the world. Many people who have an Autism Spectrum Disorder will have a job and live independently when they grow up.diambil dari :
Emang tidak ada salahnya terlahir berbeda mbak, toh dia juga tidak minta untuk dilahirkan berbeda.......dan memang kita harus menerima dan mencintai dia apa adanya karena dia hanya "titipan".......salut gue sama mbak...karena masih banyak orang yg tidak mau mengakui atau malu mengakui hal i know that u are really a good mom.....:-)
Dwi, yang sabar aja..salam sayang buat si ganteng Leonz dan Leah ya..
@ Novi : iya Nov, nggak bakal ngebantu si anak itu sendiri kalau kita nggak mau mengakui dan malu. ups...hihihi malu mah pertama tama lho Nov, terutama saat Leonz lagi tantrum dan berkelakuan minus di tempat umum (kita slalu memperlakukan Leonz seperti anak normal lainnya, dan dia juga bermain sama anak anak normal. karena buat kita, semakin dia ter-ekspose dengan kehidupan normal, semakin banyak dia beajar untuk berlaku seperti orang normal.
Akhirnya kita cuek, nggak peduli opini orang yang mungkin mengira kita adalah orang tua yang nggak bisa ngedidik anak.
oh ya, masih soal malu....hohoho kita telah bergelar "pendekar tebal muka" lho skarang, saking cueknya ;-)
@ Shanti : tengkiu bu :-). kiss kiss buat latifah!
Turut prihatin dan saya bisa merasakan keadaan keluarga kalian. Sabar ya...Tabah Ya.... Suatu saat keajaiban bisa datang. a Miracle!!
Salam buat Leonz
bagaimanapun keadaannya, mereka adalah anugrah terbaik dr Allah..iya kan mba?
yg penting Leonz & Leah slalu dapet yg terbaik dr mama & papanya...
btw Leah tambah montoq aja tuch...hehehe
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